Google Ads, Google Search Ads

List of All ValueTrack Parameters in Google Ads

Adwords custom parameters is super important nowadays! Eventually, using a tracking template in your URL / Google Adwords URL parameters allows advertisers to track key parameters defined in ValueTrack Parameters List or any other custom google ads url parameters list that the advertiser wants to customize based on their requirements.

What are ValueTrack parameters?

At this point, let’s get to know more about google tracking template parameters. List of ValueTrack parameters are tags that you can add to your ads’ URLs to gather valuable data on user behaviour. Basically, you can track information like which ad triggered a click. Otherwise, what keywords the user searched for and the user’s geographic location. At this time, this information can help you understand both how users interact with your ads. Furthermore, valuetrack google ads parameter can optimize your campaigns accordingly.

How do Google ValueTrack parameters work?

At this time, Google ads dynamic parameters to use ValueTrack parameters, you need to add them to your ads’ URLs. For example, you can add the parameter {keyword} to your ad’s destination URL to track which keyword triggered a click. Due to user clicks on your ad, the Google Ads value track parameters is replaced with the actual keyword that triggered the click.

Generally, you can add multiple ads valuetrack parameters / adwords dynamic parameters list  and also custom parameters in Google Ads (custom parameter google ads) to your ads’ URLs to gather different types of data. For example, you can add the valuetrack parameters google ads {creative} to track which ad copy triggered a click, or {matchtype} to track which match type triggered a click.

What’s the benefit to your business?

Another keypoint, using available Adwords valuetrack parameters (list of value track parameters) can bring several benefits to your business. At first, it can help you optimize your ad targeting. Further, by tracking which keywords or ad copy are most effective. After that you can adjust your targeting google ads valuetrack parameters audiences. Otherwise, you can also bidding available value track parameters / google value track parameters strategies to reach your desired audience more efficiently. It’s called by custom parameters Google Ads.

After all, available value google ads url parameters list /available valuetrack parameters can help you improve user engagement. By all means, understanding value track parameters list which ads and keywords users are responding too. As a result google search parameters list, you can refine both your messaging and improve the relevance of your ads to your audience. Afterwards, here is Valuetrack parameters list and what value it will capture if used in the google ads tracking parameters template:

Parameter What it returns
{campaignid} The campaign ID. (Use this when you’ve set up your tracking information at account level and want to know which campaign served your ad.)
{adgroupid} The ad group ID. (Use this when you’ve set up your tracking information at the account or campaign level and want to know which ad group served your ad.)
{feeditemid} The ID of the feed-based/legacy asset that was clicked. Update the URL to support the upgraded asset ValueTack for asset upgrade.
{extensionid} The ID of the asset-based/upgraded asset that was clicked. Update the URL to support the upgraded asset ValueTack for asset upgrade.
{targetid} The ID of the keyword (labeled “kwd”), dynamic search ad (“dsa”) target, remarketing list target (“aud”), product partition (“pla”), or hotel group partition (“hpi”) that triggered an ad.

For multiple target IDs, the output shows in the following order: “aud, dsa, kwd, pla, hpi.” For example, if you add a remarketing list to your ad group (criterion ID “456”) and target the keywords ID “123” the {targetid}would be replaced by “aud-456:kwd-123.”

Note: {targetid} does not include affinity and in-market audience.

{loc_interest_ms} The ID of the location of interest that helped trigger the ad. Visit the developer website for location IDs. Reported only for campaigns that show ads to people searching for your targeted locations.
{loc_physical_ms} The ID of the geographical location of the click. Visit the developer website for location IDs. Reported only for campaigns that show ads to people in your targeted locations.
{matchtype} The match type of the keyword that triggered your ad: “e” for exact, “p” for phrase, or “b” for “broad”.
{network} Where the click came from: “g” for Google search, “s” for a search partner, “d” for the Display Network, “u” for a Smart Shopping Campaign, “ytv” for YouTube videos, “yts” for YouTube search, or “vp” for Google video partners.
{device} What device the click came from: “m” for mobile (including WAP), “t” for tablet, and “c” for computer.
{devicemodel} What model of phone or tablet the click came from (for example, “Apple+iPhone”).

Note: Only available on Display Network campaigns.

{gclid} The Google click identifier of a click that comes from your ad.
{ifmobile:[value]} Whatever you define for “[value],” if your ad’s clicked from a mobile phone.
{ifnotmobile:[value]} Whatever you define for “[value],” if your ad’s clicked from a computer or tablet.
{ifsearch:[value]} Whatever you define for “[value],” if your ad’s clicked from a site in the Google Search Network.
{ifcontent:[value]} Whatever you define for “[value],” if your ad’s clicked from a site in the Google Display Network.
{creative} A unique ID for your ad.
{keyword} For the Search Network, the keyword from your account that matches the search query, unless you are using a Dynamic Search ad, which returns a blank value. For the Display Network, the keyword from your account that matches the content.
{placement} The content site where your ad was clicked (for keyword-targeted campaigns), or the matching placement targeting criteria for the site where your ad was clicked (for placement-targeted campaigns).
{target} A placement category (works with placement-targeted campaigns only).
{param1} Creative parameter #1, if you’re using the AdParamService with the Google Ads API (AdWords API).
{param2} Creative parameter #2, if you’re using the AdParamService with the Google Ads API (AdWords API).
{random} A random Google-generated number (an unsigned 64-bit integer), commonly used to force the page to reload.
{adposition} The position on the page that your ad appeared in, with a value like “1t2″(this means page 1, top, position 2).
{ignore} Ignores tracking elements of your final URL to help reduce crawl load on your website. It can only be used in your final or final mobile URL.

So, what do you think about above google ads custom parameters list? By understanding and utilizing the Google ads tracking template parameters / ValueTrack parameters list can provide you with valuable insights into your ad campaigns’ performance. Furthermore, you can optimize your google adwords parameters for achieve targeting customer. In addition value track parameters google ads leads you to improve user engagement, and increase conversion rates. As a result, you take advantage of this powerful tool and maximize the effectiveness valuetrack Google ads parameters list as a business campaigns.

Source: AdWords Help

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