Google Ads Update
Google AdSense, Google Updates

Google Ads Update Site Change! Breaking News!

 Attention all website owners and bloggers! Google AdSense, the popular advertising platform, has just made an exciting announcement regarding new updates.

The Google Ads Update management is the starting point for anyone looking to monetize a new AdSense site. Starting 2023-03-20, Google will redesign their Sites page to make it more user-friendly. As well as making some significant changes to go along with the new look and feel.

What has Changed?

The overall appearance and feel the most visible difference is the new look and feel. The new Sites page will display your site list in a table format with search functionality, similar to how sites display elsewhere in AdSense.

What can be Done?

The Google Adsense site management is the starting point for anyone who wants to monetise a new site in AdSense. Starting 2023-03-20, we’re redesigning the Sites page to be more user friendly and making some important changes alongside the new look and feel.

What can be Done?

The most visible difference is the new look and feel. The new Sites page will display your site list in a table format with search functionality, similar to how sites display elsewhere in AdSense.

What Kind of Site to Add in Google Ads?

In the future, you will only be able to add the following sites as ‘sites’ in AdSense:


You’ll no longer be able to add or manage subdomains that are part of an existing site on your Sites page. Any existing subdomains in your account that belong to a site will be removed. This will not impact ad serving or your earnings. 

To see which sites have subdomains, go to your Sites page and look for the’subdomains’ annotation in the table (e.g. in the screenshot above.

Blocking Controls for Subdomains

Any blocking controls that are currently in place for a subdomain (as defined above) will promote to the domain level. For instance, if you configure blocking controls for and, the combination of those settings will apply to

Blocking controls for subdomains displayed in the ‘Sites’ table’s top level view will remain in place (e.g., in the screenshot above).


To quickly show you the ads.txt status for your sites, we’re adding a new ads.txt column to the ‘Sites’ table.

Site Review Times

You will begin to receive faster feedback for certain types of issues that we discover with your sites during the initial review process. Some of these enhancements may not be visible in your account right away.

Google is always looking for ways to improve AdSense’s performance and usability also. Your feedback helped shape the aforementioned changes, and we appreciate your continued feedback to help improve AdSense.

See AdSense site management for assistance in adjusting your settings.

See AdSense site management for assistance in adjusting your settings. Furthermore, don’t forget to use a tracking template in your URL allows advertisers to track available value parameters.

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There are several updates in Google Ads Update site management that can implement for all website owners and bloggers. It is kind of a huge opportunity to optimize your ad revenue through site management. Are you ready to level up your business with the Best Digital Marketer? Gain a competitive edge in the digital landscape with the expertise of our digital marketing specialist. By leveraging outstanding strategies and industry insights, we will help you outperform your competitors and also establish a strong online presence. Have a great day!

Are you ready to make your business outstanding through Google? Just read this 10 Benefit Google Adsense to Adjust Your Business!

Happy Reading! 🙂

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